Frequently asked questions.
Q: How quickly will my dresses arrive?
A: Our goal is to make every style available to you in 14 business days. However, with the current supply chain and shipping climate, some styles may take up to 20 weeks. Ask your rep for details on the specific styles you're considering.
Q: How many stores will you be launching in my market?
A: As the first store to purchase the Everly Bridals line in your market, you will receive 12 months of exclusivity in a 50 mile radius of your location. After the first 12 months, you will have the option to keep your exclusivity indefinitely within a 25 mile radius when you order at least 25 dresses annually.
Q: What are your order minimums?
A: No minimums! If you want to keep your ongoing 25 miles radius exclusivity, you will need to order 25 dresses annually, but we'll never pull the line from you if you don't. We'll just make it available to other stores within that radius.
Q: What are your markups?
A: Whatever you want them to be. We want you to win! So if you can sell a dress all day for 10x, be our guest! Or if you need to have a style under a certain price point and that only gets you 2x, we're here for that too.
Q: When will you release new styles?
A: As soon as possible! We're not beholden to seasons or schedules and as soon as we have a new style we think you will love, we will let you know!
Q: What sizes do your dresses come in.
A: All of our styles are available in sizes 0 to 30.
Q: Where do your dresses come from?
A: Our dresses are designed by us and made by a family owned bridal manufacturer outside of Zhongshan, China. In 2019, our founders traveled to China to tour the facilities and meet the skilled men and women who make our gowns. We're proud of our partnership and confident that our dresses are made ethically and under excellent working conditions.